Monday, June 21, 2010


Whatever time I take up
To do my own stuffs,
On Wednesday,
Help me make it up!

Whatever time I take up
To write my poems,
On Wednesday,
Help me make it up!

It is not that
I do not want to do my works,
It is just that,
My paintings are left at my house,
And I finish what
I want to do
For today.

Still, cover me by blood
Of Jesus,
For all my flaws.

Whenever people cheat me
Of my rest,
Help me to forgive them
And pray for them.

Whenever my organization
Gives me extra workload to do,
Help me overcome
My resentment.

That is what a servant does,
That is what you will have done,
Help me to grow more and more like you,
Each and every single day!

You are so beautiful,
My Lord,
Forgive me for moments
When I deny it so.

It is better… yes, I said that,
It is better
To have your character
Than a million, billion, trillion dollars.
Yes, I said that, I said that,
At least for now.

Your heart must be feeling
So sweet,
Each time I desire to be like you
More than I want
A million, billion, trillion dollars.

I need you

I need your inspiration
To teach children
Songs that they love,
Lessons that they enjoy!

I need your help
To please parents
By letting their children learn
Something worthwhile!

I need your courage
To tell the children
That there is only one way for salvation,
And it is through you, Jesus!

I need you.

The grouchy Servant Teacher

The chinese teacher
Does not come,
The work of the portfolio
Falls on me.

For the sake of the rabbits,
Friday I do not come,
The work of the typing
Falls on me.

I dread my job
And think it a misery,
Seeing the children
Does not make me happy!

But I give thanks to you
That I am a teacher,
And a servant,
Though unwilling,
I thank you for
Your kind intention
Though I look for other things!

You do not give me
Like the world gives me,
But your heart in giving
Is pure and blameless and sweet!

Though I still feel grouchy
Over my misery of a job,
I give thanks
To you for opportunities
To serve as a teacher
And to provide a living
For me, my family and my rabbits!

The Servant Poem

Serving is a chore,
Ugh, I hate it,
Why must I serve
When I can be served?
Why must I have a
Servant heart,
When I delight to
Enjoy my life?

Serving is a joy,
Something worthy to rejoice.
Do not fret when
You have to serve,
Or think that serving
Is a waste of time.
For being a servant
Is a great joy for all
Who chooses to follow the path.

My life is a wreck
And misery,
As works after works
Come after me!
I know He wants me
To have a servantlike heart,
But I find being a servant
Extremely hard!

No one becomes
A servant
Without the passage of time,
Being a servant is
Something that comes
Through practices after practices.
Do not fret when you
Find being a servant hard,
For everything begins with difficulty,
But slowly becomes easier
With the passage of time!

My Lord is a servant,
He loves to serve,
He teaches me the right value,
In time when I choose to err,
Being a servant… maybe I try,
But if I falter, don’t call me a fry.

Trying is enough,
Trying is good,
Being a servant is really so good!
Do not fret when people
Mark you down,
Serve with a lowly heart,
And you will earn yourself a crown!

My Lord, my mentor,
You are always so good!
In times when I grumble,
You still love me the same!

Though I hate to be a servant,
For your sake, I try…
Not to complain
When things do not turn up right!

My precious disciple,
The apple of my eyes,
Do not fret when
Works seem unfair or hard.

The world gives differently
From the way I give,
They give you material comfort,
I give you the servant heart.

Do not cry
When times are difficult or hard,
Do not abandon thoughts
Of living abundantly,
Even when all things
Seems discouragingly.

Things will turn up well
One day you will see,
For a true servant
Never suffers for long,
That I guarantee!


Thank you so much,
My servant Lord,
Your love, I admit, sometimes
Is hard to see.

But deep inside me,
Somewhere I know,
You love me like
No other people indeed!

I will try to be a servant,
Though I find it hard,
I will serve everyone
And give you my heart.

I love you, my precious
Servant Lord,
Thank you for everything!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Correct usage of my mouth and body!

I give praise to thee,
I give praise to thee,
you have given me a mouth,
and my mouth praises thee.

I worship thee,
I worship thee,
you have given me a mouth,
and my mouth worships thee.

I give thanks to thee,
I give thanks to thee,
you have given me a mouth,
and my mouth give thanks to thee.

I adore thee,
I adore thee,
you have given me my body,
and my whole body adores thee.

You are great!

Make my life an easy feat!

They want me to type,
let them finsih the lesson plans
on time.

Let it be easy for me to type,
and let there be no teacher
to complain
that my typing is not good.

Life is full of obstacles,
I feel so weakened,
Have pity on me, Lord,
for I am so weak,
and make me life
an easy feat.

Otherwise, I might dread to live,
and then my endless complaints
might be a dread to thee,
and you wonder whether I will make it

So, have pity on me, Lord,
and make my life an easy feat,
then I can rejoice and praise your name,
and not mind staying here
for a thousand year.

Need your help,
need it so much, oh Lord,
for I am so weak...
when it comes to physical reality.

Timely Rain

I wanted to eat
many, many things,
tempted to feast
on food abundance.

If not for your rain,
that came so timely,
I would have feast
on food abundance.

Thanks to you,
and your timely rain,
stopping me that I do not feast
on food abundance.

Kind and gentle God

This... oh yes, this,
will be my last poem for today.

Joyful, oh yes, joyful
am I to worship you!

2 over years, your presence
is far from me.

Joyful, oh yes, joyful,
am I to be in your presence!

Do not forsake me, my God.
Deal with my sins,
purify me and make me white like thee.

I love you, my God,
I want to be with you.
Begin your revival
by changing my attitudes
towards all things.

Wrestle with me, my God
when I am in the wrong,
like you always do
when I stray away.

Wrestle and wrestle
until I am in your likeness
and you are entirely satisfied
with everything I do.

I warn you, oh my God,
I will wrestle hard with you,
I believe in miracles,
I believe in having all gifts,
I believe in salvation for all
and I will wrestle until
you give in... to me.

Still, my God,
when I really am in the wrong,
you must overpower me,
so all things I do turn up right, instead!

I love you, my sweet God.
You are ever so encouraging,
ever so loving,
ever so gentle,
ever so patient.

The people in the comic preacher
had painted you all wrong,
the people who told me you are so fierce and scary
must really not know what they are saying
because my God,
you are always kind and gentle to me,
even in moments when the darkness of my sins encircle me,
you are always kind and gentle,
and that is why
I often break down and cry,
moved deeply by your love for me.

I am still a child.
Teach me.

My petition for Singapore church

Singapore is small,
Singapore is weak,
but Singapore christians
will be history makers.

It will happen, I know.
Cause I ask of you for it.
Singapore christians will
be famous for their love for thee.

Sometimes, I look at
the state of the Singapore churches,
and I get discouraged, very.
Yet, I fight on and on,
in prayers,
beliving that Singapore christians
will truly, truly, truly love you
And people!

Watch over the church of Singapore,
forgive all our sins,
and use us in  a mighty manner
that shakes the nations!

God-- my heart

To my Father:
You  make me and shape me.
Mould me and love me.
Show me wonder and encourage me.
You are the perfect Father
that rains down perfect gift.
You are the perfect Father
that comforts the crying me.
You are the perfect Father
that sends me the perfect mentor.
You are my perfect Father,
and you I love.

To Jesus:
You mentor and guide me,
love and counsel me,
comfort and console me,
even when I am undeserving.

You overcome all my prejudice,
repay in kindness my insults,
show me what it means,
to be perfect in everyway.

Oh, you are my most precious Lord,
and the savior that dies on the cross for me,
your kindness and goodness to me,
even a lifetime I can never repay thee.

You are forgiving and loving,
and you are so like me,
you can cry and you can laugh,
no wonder you said I am made in your image!

I give to my Father respect and love,
but I give to you so much more words than my Father!
No wonder your own Word said:
A man and a woman will leave their parents
and become one flesh.

But for you and me,
it is one spirit,
and maybe one purpose.

You are with me in everything I do,
oh Jesus, I adore you!
Worship and praise in song,
I did badly.
But I really want to give to you what is due you:
all glories, honors and praises
and lots and lots of love!

To Holy Spirit:
You are the everkind friend,
that always works in quietness,
glorifying your best friend Jesus,
in everything you do.

You are an example for me,
my inspiration for what I do,
my joy and my delight
and my very good friend!

To Trinity God:
When I wake, you are with me,
when I sleep, you watch over me,
you bless the works of my hands
and make my enemies at rest with me.

You let me play with the scorpians as friends,
and let me talk to the snakes in joy,
you turn all the fierce lions to be kind to me,
and make everything in my life prosperous!

I owe you all my being,
the body and mind that I have,
and the heart that pumps within me.
You are ever loving with me,
but sometimes quite firm and stern, too.

In a wrestling match, I can never win you.
Oh God, you are too simply powerful,
yet in humility,
you often let me win.

Ah my God,
my joy and my delight,
the apple and orange of my eyes,
my sweet inheritance,
my joyful property,
my dearest treasure,
the secret to the fact that I live,
and the power of my victorious life,
the most important person/s in my life,
my heart.

I love you.

In poetry, my praise!

Using poetry to adore you,
using poetry to worship you,
using poetry to praise you.

You are
perfect in every way,
meek and humble in every aspect,
powerful and majesty in every domain,
great in every sense.


I want to shine for you, my Lord!

I want to shine for you, my Lord.
In every aspect of my life.
In every single day.
In every single hour.
In every single minute.

I want to shine for you, my Lord.
And be a testimony.
To my family.
To my friends.
To my enemies.

I want to shine for you, my Lord.
It is really not easy.
It needs patience.
It needs endurance.
It needs love.

I want to shine for you, my Lord.
And be in your image.

Complaining parents

Complained and complained
they did,
those parents of my children!

Won't they say a word of praise
for me,
put forth good words to my principal,
make my life a pleasure
and teaching a joy?

Still, I commit them to you,
these complaining parents,
who are not my enemies,
but who make my life sometimes a misery!

Give me your patience, dear Lord,
to deal with parents like these!

Kindergarten teaching not a chore!

Kindergarten teaching is a chore,
for me, to me, for me.

The children are unresponsive,
the parents are complaining,
the workload is getting heavy.

Kindergarten is a chore,
for me, to me, to me.

But maybe with your help,
the chore can become a pleasure for me.

I want to be a good kindergarten teacher,
help me do it, oh my Lord.
I want to be a good kindergarten teacher,
won't you make being a kindergarten teacher
not a chore for me?

At least until I find a better job.
Thank you, oh my Lord!

Waffles and Wishes!

Waffles and Wishes,
darling two rabbits,
come to my house to stay.

Bless them with good health,
and happy lifestyles,
the God of all cute rabbits!

Happy Father Day!

Happy Father's Day!
Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day
to my real Father,
the Almighty God of the universe!

And happy father day
to my foster father,
the one who lives in my house with me!

Not Lost

I thought I lost my inspiration,
only when I started writing,
then I discover my gift is still there.

My gift of poetry,
one of your many gifts,
it is not lost,
just like how it is with a living,
who sometimes wander off your altar,
but always come back to you again
in the end.

Temptation and You

Temptations are like
cups that are full of filth inside
but looks full of gold on the outside.

Knowing that temptation is like this,
still I fall for its trick, again and again.

You are like
cups that look so plain and worthless on the outside,
yet is full of perfect gold within.

Knowing that you are like this,
still I trample on you, again and again.

Oh Lord... sorry.
Forgive me.

Wanted to tell you...

I wanted so much to tell you,
to tell you, to tell you,
Jesus, I am so glad for you
to be back in my life again.

I wanted so much to tell you,
to tell you, to tell you,
Jesus, I am so glad for you
to be back in my life again.

I tell you, I tell you, I tell you,
Jesus, I am so glad for you
to be back in my life again.

Sinner used by God

I feel so unworthy, Lord,
to lead a world of people,
especially when my own life
is now so full of darkness!

To the eyes of those who cannot see,
I may look so holy,
but only Lord, you can see
all that darkness that is within me.

How can I be a leader
when I do not walk by example?
How can I pray for sinners,
when I myself sin so often?

Yet, in your graciousness, my Lord,
you appoint me a leader,
and in your abundant love,
uses me, still!

Thank you for using me, Lord,
though I am dark of sins within me,
thank you for using me, Lord,
for your unfailing trust in me!

Praise you with my gift of poetry!

My old archives of poems are gone,
I deleted them away in a spur of moments!

All my adorations, inspirations,
vanished without a trace!

It may not be altogether back,
for with  nothing to look back on,
I can begin my array of poetic praise all over again!

Praise you, oh mighty God,
with one of my many gifts,
praise you, oh awesome beauty,
with my gift of poetry!

Worshipping you in poem!

I cannot worship you in songs,
the joy I used to have when I worship
is gone!

Today, in church,
worship is so dry!
I do not mean a thing I sing!

Maybe I can worship you in poems,
and make up for my lack of quality
by my quantities!

Dryness of fellowship

You are glorious,
you are awesome,
no sin is found in you,
no sin is found in you.

Fellowship is so difficult for me,
praise and worship seems so dry,
you appear so far away,
there is a barrier between us, God.

I remembered a time
when you are everything to me,
there is no barrier between us,
you share your heart so frequently with me,
your purpose is like my purpose,
your desire is like my desire,
and yet this seems like eons ago.

Why had I changed so much,
why aren't you the treasure of my heart,
my darling God,
my safe refudge,
my precious,
why is this wall so thick!

How I long for a sword
that can cut through this barrier
and brings me back to
the kind of worship
I used to have for you!

Thank you so much, my Lord,
for not abandoning me
when I am so rude,
for not giving up on me
when all in my life does not appear good,
for loving this grumpy, grudgeful, greedy sinner!