Monday, January 6, 2020

Many dares to dream!

Hope shines forth brightly,
in a land of utter despair,
hope brings its light
to many,
many dares to dream!

Hope shines

In the midst of utter darkness,
a tiny light shines,
a tiny light calls

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Tortured for Christ

Tortured for Christ,
needles so sharp,
pain so much,
Yet I emerged
the victor!

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Brother Lucifer and his changes!

Brother Lucifer is a scoundrel,
but even scoundrel deserves love!

Brother Lucifer is an idiot,
but even idiot deserves wisdom!

Brother Lucifer is wicked,
but even wicked people can change!

He changes, he changes!
God is proud of his changes!

Every Servant versus Me

Every servant of God goes through a crisis,
there seems to be no end to my crisis!

Every servant of God goes through some pains,
there seems to be no end to my pains!

Still, what every servant does not have,
is a limitless knowledge of You,
which You will one day grant me!

Still, I thank you for making me!

Sorrow fills my heart,
at all my lacks,
and chains
strictly limits what
I may do for thee!

Still, I thank you
for making me!

I still love You!

What can a prison bird sing?
What can a chained cat do?
What can I, though, imprisoned for You do?

This.... I still love you!

If I could....

If I could...
I want to work as a chinese teacher,
earn a wage for myself and
respect from my loved ones!

If I could....
I want to enter church again,
be a sunday school teacher
and fellowship with christians!

If I could...
I want to be a testimony for You again,
set an example for my family
and bring them to Christ!

If I could...
I want to dance and worship You,
I want to pray in tongues of fire,
I want to walk in righteousness!

But I couldn't...
because I am imprisoned for my faith in You!

Thank You God!

Thank you, Papa,
for being the first to encounter me,
for sending rain away on Genting trips,
for listening to me pour out to you all my tears and woes.

Thank you, Yeshua,
for dying on the cross for me,
for teaching me how to be a disciple,
for saving this universe I love.

Thank you, Spirit,
for being there for me when I doubt You,
for bridging all my quarrels with Yeshua,
for teaching me how to pray.

Thank you, God.
Thank you, God.
Thank you, God.

Thank You God!