Friday, May 18, 2012

You love me

2000 years ago,
You went to the cross
and you gave up your life
for us all.

I am washed clean in your blood,
always will be your child,
I am thankful and in debt
to You.

You set me free from my life of sins,
bring me to see the pure goodness,
make me aware of love
and therefore, I laugh.

You hold my hands to your heart,
kiss me lightly on my cheek,
whisper into my ears,
"I love you."

I am his child

I touch lightly the holes
in the wrist of my Lord.

The holes that become part of Him
after he was crucified.

Does it hurt, my Lord?
I ask.

My Lord smiles, as he gently
sweep my hair.

Not anymore.

I smile, as I know in my heart.

I am His child.

My Lord forgives

My brother is evil,
he likes to tempt, entice and hurt.

My Lord is good,
He forgives, loves and disciplines.

They clash and they fight,
Me trapped in the midst.
Do your best, my Lord.

My evil brother fell on his knees,
tears streaming,
I had sinned, he choked.

My Lord smiled in radiant,
I forgive.


Who is like Him,
the king of kings,
the lord of lords,
the great I am,
my precious God?

His forgiveness...
oh... how great it is.
It reaches to the depth,
it surrounds and licks at
everyone in the pit with me.

He whispers.
I raise up my hands,
and falls on my knees.

I surrender, Lord.

I will wait

My enemies surround me,
like a flood of water,
drowning me,
I choke,
unable to breathe.

He is there,
His heart bleeds,
the pains and fear I go through,
it makes Him weep.

"Wait for me, my child."

The army of heaven
is engaged in a battle...
He is in the lead,
desperate to save me.

"My Lord... I will wait."
I promise.

My sins are gone!

Crack. Crack. Crack.
The whips scratch off His back.
Tumble. Tumble. Tumble.
He falls down as he carries his cross.

The nails pierce him to the cross,
in pain, he looks at Me,
and smiles as blood drains from His body.

I forgive you, Jasmine.
He utters as he gives out his life.
There, on the cross,
my sins are gone.

My everything, you are worthy!

You are worthy,
you are truly worthly
of all worships and praises.

None is like you,
no one is like you,
so righteous, so good, so pure.

It is my fortune to know you,
and may I have the blessings,
to stay with you forever.

I love you, Yeshua.
My beloved God.
My righteous friend.
My everything.

Praise you, Yeshua

I will praise you, oh Lord.
Yes, you, Lord Jesus.
For who you are,
and for what you had been.

I will praise you, Yeshua,
each time I can,
for in my heart,
I love you.

If I can

Where are you, oh Lord?
Where had you gone to?
I cannot see you,
I miss you,
I long for you.

In heaven you are,
happy and in bliss,
stay there always,
my Beloved.

If I can, if, and not a promise,
I will come back.
If I can.

Hope flees away

Life flew in a blink,
tears fell,
heart broken...
searching for my beloved,
for Yeshua.

Hell fire roared...
chains trapped me...
I couldn't set myself free.

Tears felt..
I am a sinner, my Lord.
Forgive me in your heart,
even if you won't let me enter paradise.

I love you.