Sunday, June 20, 2010

Kind and gentle God

This... oh yes, this,
will be my last poem for today.

Joyful, oh yes, joyful
am I to worship you!

2 over years, your presence
is far from me.

Joyful, oh yes, joyful,
am I to be in your presence!

Do not forsake me, my God.
Deal with my sins,
purify me and make me white like thee.

I love you, my God,
I want to be with you.
Begin your revival
by changing my attitudes
towards all things.

Wrestle with me, my God
when I am in the wrong,
like you always do
when I stray away.

Wrestle and wrestle
until I am in your likeness
and you are entirely satisfied
with everything I do.

I warn you, oh my God,
I will wrestle hard with you,
I believe in miracles,
I believe in having all gifts,
I believe in salvation for all
and I will wrestle until
you give in... to me.

Still, my God,
when I really am in the wrong,
you must overpower me,
so all things I do turn up right, instead!

I love you, my sweet God.
You are ever so encouraging,
ever so loving,
ever so gentle,
ever so patient.

The people in the comic preacher
had painted you all wrong,
the people who told me you are so fierce and scary
must really not know what they are saying
because my God,
you are always kind and gentle to me,
even in moments when the darkness of my sins encircle me,
you are always kind and gentle,
and that is why
I often break down and cry,
moved deeply by your love for me.

I am still a child.
Teach me.