Sunday, June 20, 2010

Make my life an easy feat!

They want me to type,
let them finsih the lesson plans
on time.

Let it be easy for me to type,
and let there be no teacher
to complain
that my typing is not good.

Life is full of obstacles,
I feel so weakened,
Have pity on me, Lord,
for I am so weak,
and make me life
an easy feat.

Otherwise, I might dread to live,
and then my endless complaints
might be a dread to thee,
and you wonder whether I will make it

So, have pity on me, Lord,
and make my life an easy feat,
then I can rejoice and praise your name,
and not mind staying here
for a thousand year.

Need your help,
need it so much, oh Lord,
for I am so weak...
when it comes to physical reality.