Monday, June 21, 2010


Whatever time I take up
To do my own stuffs,
On Wednesday,
Help me make it up!

Whatever time I take up
To write my poems,
On Wednesday,
Help me make it up!

It is not that
I do not want to do my works,
It is just that,
My paintings are left at my house,
And I finish what
I want to do
For today.

Still, cover me by blood
Of Jesus,
For all my flaws.

Whenever people cheat me
Of my rest,
Help me to forgive them
And pray for them.

Whenever my organization
Gives me extra workload to do,
Help me overcome
My resentment.

That is what a servant does,
That is what you will have done,
Help me to grow more and more like you,
Each and every single day!

You are so beautiful,
My Lord,
Forgive me for moments
When I deny it so.

It is better… yes, I said that,
It is better
To have your character
Than a million, billion, trillion dollars.
Yes, I said that, I said that,
At least for now.

Your heart must be feeling
So sweet,
Each time I desire to be like you
More than I want
A million, billion, trillion dollars.